Zap Eel

It waits, calmly and quietly, in the dark, murky depths of Deep Darkness, floating still and almost lifeless, its electrical energies ready and waiting, to zap any hapless prey unfortunate enough to encounter it with shocks of over a thousand volts! Perhaps more! Listen and take heed, gentle traveler, and be on your guard should your travels take you into that cursed swamp, lest you fall into its trap!

It waits, calmly and quietly, in the dark, murky depths of Deep Darkness, floating still and almost lifeless, its electrical energies ready and waiting, to zap any hapless prey unfortunate enough to encounter it with shocks of over a thousand volts! Perhaps more! Listen and take heed, gentle traveler, and be on your guard should your travels take you into that cursed swamp, lest you fall into its trap!