Ninten's Face in Profile

Since I did a female face in profile, I thought it best to do a male face as well. Featuring our good old buddy Ninten.
Mark Crilley was once again the inspiration behind this one, much like the female face. Features his hat and bandanna. Minimal shading again because this was, like the female, an experiment, and I didn't want it to be ruined by over-elaborate, complicated (and sometimes flawed) shadows.
I also might have made Ninten look a little old, I'm not sure.

Since I did a female face in profile, I thought it best to do a male face as well. Featuring our good old buddy Ninten.
Mark Crilley was once again the inspiration behind this one, much like the female face. Features his hat and bandanna. Minimal shading again because this was, like the female, an experiment, and I didn't want it to be ruined by over-elaborate, complicated (and sometimes flawed) shadows.
I also might have made Ninten look a little old, I'm not sure.